Goes Global

WWE Smackdown 2024 Jeddah | 2024
Two days
Type of management
Mega Event Production, Live Broadcast, Infrastructure Build, Turnkey Grandstand & Floor Seating, Venue Build, Complex Crowd Management & Operations
Execution delivery
Comprehensive back-of-house infrastructure, seamless front-of-house operations, efficient crowd management, ticketing, and security checks.
Delivered a successful two-day event with high attendance and rave reviews, solidifying Jeddah's reputation as a premier destination for WWE events.
Audience profile
Wrestling fans, international spectators, VIPs, and general public.

Wrestling Spectacle Unleashed

WWE SmackDown's historic debut in Jeddah was a testament to HQWS's expertise in managing large-scale, high-profile events. The two-day event featured the King and Queen of the Ring competition, drawing large crowds and rave reviews. HQWS's meticulous planning and execution ensured a seamless experience for all attendees, from ticketing to security and crowd management.
What Did We Do
What Did We Do
HQWS organized the entire back-of-house infrastructure and managed front-of-house operations, including ticketing, security checks, and crowd management. Our team prioritized safety and efficiency, delivering a smooth and enjoyable experience for attendees.
What were the challenges
What were the challenges
Coordinating a high-profile event with complex crowd management needs, ensuring seamless operations across multiple facets, and maintaining high safety standards within a tight timeline.

Flawless Flow

HQWS delivered an exemplary event by meticulously planning and executing every aspect of WWE SmackDown in Jeddah. Our comprehensive approach ensured that both days of the event ran flawlessly, providing a memorable experience for all attendees and solidifying Jeddah's reputation as a premier destination for WWE events.

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